Thursday 2 June 2011

Feed me!!!

One of the hardest things to predict during a 24 hour mountain bike race is what to eat, or more accurately, what you will want to eat.
The obvious nutrition are the energy products (powders, gels and bars) which are readily available. Every one has their favourites, the products that work well for them. The products of choice for Team Darkstar MTB are Maximuscle/Maxifuel Viper range.
I first encountered Viper while suffering from extreme cramp during Twentyfour12 at Cotswold Farm Park. As I writhed in agony, a fellow rider asked what was wrong. "Cramp" I managed to say. "Try this - it works for me" he said, threw a Viper Extreme bar at me and rode off. It worked and  I have been a fan ever since.
Well back to the other foods that you crave during a race.
Some races are particularly good and have caterers that are open for the duration of the race. Quaver catering are great and are the caterers for Twentyfour12. Sweet or savoury crepes, jacket potatoes with a wide range of fillings, porridge (YUK), burgers, chillli, flapjacks, hot drinks - whatever you crave, the answer can be found there.
However, some races are not so well provided for - usually due to the large number of teams with their own catering or the self-sufficient smallerr teams in their motor homes . Our first visit the the 24 ore Roma fell into this category. In the middle of the night, I wanted a jacket potato with cheese. The best I could manage was a flat bread filled with chunks of Parmesan and parma ham. The following year we managed much better with a bit of planning and visiting the local supermarket.
Whatever happens, I always know that I will want something savory. Those sweet gels and energy drinks will guarantee that.
Note to self - do a Viper product review in another post
The shopping list usually includes:
Salted peanuts
Pot noodles (or similar)
Salted crisps (must be plain ones)
Strong cheese
Tinned pasta
I generally buy things that aren't perishable so don't go to waste
Oh - I nearly forgot

For after the race of course - it makes a great recovery drink and the best reward for all the effort!

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